Hi, I’m Silvia.
In my blog, I discuss early intervention and how to build inclusive communities where children of all abilities are valued and supported.
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(Photo 96150314 © Tatyana Tomsickova | Dreamstime.com)
Young children with developmental delays often start educational and therapy interventions at an early age.
It's natural for toddlers and pre-schoolers to respond differently to these interve...
In this blog post, I celebrate a significant milestone:
My son is finishing his first year in secondary school.
I feel immense joy and amazement at his progress. Reflecting on his journey, it's incredible to see how much he has grown. As a moth...
(Illustration 155631998 © Ramu Chinnasamy | Dreamstime.com)
 Starting primary school is a significant milestone in a child's life, and it can be both exciting and overwhelming for parents and children alike.Â
For children with additional needs, t...
(Photo 184933974 / Father Child Hugging © Christinlola | Dreamstime.com)
Parenting can be challenging and rewarding, and balancing discipline with love and nurturing is a constant struggle for parents. As an early intervention specialist and mother,...
(Photo 251270419 © Pojoslaw | Dreamstime.com)
With World Down Syndrome Day this week, I wanted to share a personal story that has shaped my life. It's about my childhood friend Monica, who had Down Syndrome.
A story about friendship, inclusion and ...
(Photo 258330047 / Couple Child Disability © Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime.com)
Based on my experience working with families for over 20 years, I have observed that many couples become more robust as they navigate the challenges of parenting a child with...
(Photo 229746503 © Evgenyatamanenko | Dreamstime.com)
I often talk about inclusion of children with disabilities in our communities. But before we can look at inclusion in the community, we must remember that inclusion starts within the family circl...
(Photo 20707953 © Alain Lacroix | Dreamstime.com)
 How we helped Sebastian prepare for the trip to Helsinki
Here in the Angel household, we did different things this summer.
Typically every summer, we spend a few weeks near Barcelona with my p...
(Photo 229623173 © Picsfive | Dreamstime.com)
Is it reinforcement or bribery?
As educators and parents, we offer praise when our children cooperate and follow instructions. We might even provide reinforcements for it, such as when we ask them ...
(Photo 228218828 / Child © Aaron Amat | Dreamstime.com)
Teaching communication skills with Ready-Steady-Go games.
Ready, steady, go games help develop your child's listening and attention skills and early communication skills.
In today's blog, I...
(Illustration 57520720 © Klara Viskova | Dreamstime.com)
Is your child/student using avoidance behaviours to escape a task?
Some children with additional needs learn behaviours that help them avoid doing activities they don't want to do.
From a yo...
Do parents have unrealistic expectations for their autistic children?
Recently, in conversation with a group of educators, I recommended some resources and videos from well known autistic self-advocates.
One of the teachers shook her head ...
(Photo 222860659 © Chernetskaya | Dreamstime.com)
7 tips to foster a love of books in autistic children
As an early intervention specialist and a mum of an autistic boy, books and reading have always been my best allies to help children learn.Â
...How do you know if your student is ready to learn reading?
In my last blog (Teaching Reading To Children With Autism), I discussed some key aspects to consider when teaching reading to autistic children. Today, I will address the question, “How do...
Teaching Reading To Children With Autism
I have noticed over the years that many children with autism are interested in letters from a young age. Many of my young students enjoy matching letters, the alphabet song and looking at printed words.
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