How can we prepare children transitioning from preschool to primary school over the summer?
This webinar will give practical advice to preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and parents on preparing children to transition from preschool to primary school during the summer. The goal is to help children feel confident and excited about starting school.
Change Can Be Difficult
Moving from preschool to primary school can be an overwhelming experience for any child, but it can be incredibly challenging for children with additional needs. Children must leave behind a familiar environment and navigate a completely new one.
This webinar will provide early years educators with specific guidance on supporting children with disabilities and their families during this time. This guidance will be in addition to the support preschools already provide to all children transitioning to school.
The webinar will offer primary school teachers and parents clear guidelines to help children feel confident and prepared for their new classrooms when September arrives. They will receive practical tips and advice to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible for children.
In this Webinar, you will discover:
- Why planning transitions is essential for children with developmental delays or autistic, and how a good transition plan can set children up for school success.
- The five things you need to put in place so that your students are ready in September.
- How educators and parents can work together so children feel confident and less anxious about starting school.
(This is a live event, and no recording will be available)
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Communication Passport
Presentation Slides