Hi, I’m Silvia.
In my blog, I discuss early intervention and how to build inclusive communities where children of all abilities are valued and supported.
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Since I did the song Days Of The Week with Lámh signs, many people mentioned how much the kids enjoy singing the song with signs, which I am delighted to hear!
Also, I am receiving messages asking to include certain signs in the Sign Of The Week....
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
In this video, I will teach you the sign for RAIN.
As we are getting into the winter, we will be using more signs to talk with the children about the weather, how cold it is, and how we must wrap up before going o...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
Lámh Sign For COLOUR
In this video, I will show you the sign for colour.
Children with developmental delays often need more time and practice to learn new skills. The same might happen when we teach them about co...
(Illustration 14117058Children Painting © Ewa Mazur | Dreamstime.com)
Children with developmental delays often need more time and practice to learn new skills. The same might happen when we teach them about colours. I often see parents and teacher...
Songs For Fine Motor Skills
In this video, I will teach you three songs I use in early intervention to help promote fine motor skills development.
I am constantly researching songs, games and toys that help me practice therapeutic exercises with...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
In this video, I will show you the sign for TO COUNT. You can use this sign during your counting activities. You can count the “two blackbirds” and certainly use the rhyme “one finger counts” for teaching counting ...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
I will teach you a sign you can use during playtime, it´s the sign for TO BUILD.
Building blocks is an activity I do with my students all the time.
This activity helps children develop hand-eye coordination and fi...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
You can use the sign for OUT while playing with toys such as taking blocks OUT of a box, or pieces OUT of inset puzzles. But also to indicate you are going OUT to the garden or getting OUT of the car.Â
(The Lámh o...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week
I introduce this sign with my preschoolers when we are doing matching activities. Matching the SAME pictures, finding the SAME colour, the SAME shape, and even when I am teaching reading I ask my student to match w...
The Sign Of The Week
Autumn is here, and with it, Halloween! Woo woo!  In this video, I will show you the Lámh sign for Halloween.
In this video, I will show you the Lámh sign for Halloween.
(The Lámh official website is www.lamh.org)
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.
This sign has two variations, depending on what are you cutting with, a knife or scissors. Look at the video for a demonstration of the two variations of the sign for CUT or TO CUT.
(The Lámh official website is ...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.
In this video, we have the sign for AUTUMN.
Autumn is here 🍂 and we are getting ready for lovely Autumn theme crafts in the classroom. For many young children with special needs, the concept of the seasons is dif...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.
GAME is a slightly different sign than the ones I have taught you so far because is a two-part sign. A two part-sign means that it's a combination of two gestures that make the sign.
First, sign "play" and then c...
Benefits of yoga for children with special needs (An interview with Sinéad Foley from Little Cubs Yoga).
In this video, I have a conversation with Sinead Foley, the founder of Little Cubs Yoga, a pilates instructor, a yoga teacher and the mum of...
Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.
In this video, you will learn the Lámh sign for HELLO.
I am very excited to introduce the first Sign Of The Week for this school year, the sign for HELLO.
I have had the pleasure of working with many teachers a...
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